
We Love Visitors

Come and join us for Bible Study and Worship.

See our SERVICES page for times.

Our Location

4680 Randolph Summer Shade Rd.

Summer Shade, KY 42166-9013

4.5 miles north of Summer Shade, KY on HWY 640

About the Church

  You may have seen on other web sites and even read in some history and resource books that the church of Christ was started during a particular movement, starting in 1793-James O'Kelly, 1802-Abner Jones and Elias Smith, Thomas and Alexander Campbell in 1809, etc.. This is referred to as the Restoration period.

   We recognize the need of this movement and are so thankful for the courageous actions of these men.  This type of restorative movement has been going on since the beginning of Jesus' church.  It is wonderful that these men were able to see the truth in God's Word and understand that their mainstream religions had denominational characteristics and creeds inconsistent with God's Word. After realizing this error, they went forward with a gallant effort preaching and teaching more accurately the truth given to us in God's Word for all who believe.

We continue this movement today at Hickory College.

But they did not start the church of Christ nor has His church ever been dormant or missing.  Jesus started His church sometime around 30 AD and His church has existed ever since. See Mathew 16:18 and notice what Jesus said about His church and its strength given by God.

 Jesus leads and owns the church.

Mathew 16:18, Mathew 28:20, Ephesians 1:22-23, 3:9-11, 5:23,29-30, Colossians 1:18, 24, 1, Timothy 3:15-16, and many others.

We are one of many congregations in Jesus' church.

This congregation at Hickory College was established in 1940.

Visit our HISTORY page for more details in how this congregation of Jesus' church at Hickory College began.


News and Announcements

Monthly Newsletter

Doka's Report

Bellow is the African Mission Report from Doka

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Updated 5/22/2018


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